Little Buddy, you are O-N-E. My oh my, where does the time go?

You've made quite the progress this month by...
- dropping something and saying "uh-oh"
- waving and saying "bye-bye"
- saying "duck duck," while feeding our feathered friends
- swapping out your "army crawl" for the good 'ole fashioned "diaper commercial crawl"
- pulling up
- clapping your sweet little hands, usually when we say "yay!"
- saying lots of other words, like "ma-ma," "da-da," "night-night," "uh-uh" for a no no, and "nana" for banana...I am sure there are others, but that's all I can think of now.
- signing to us...drink, eat, more, and all done.
- you also "pat your mama," which I love
- and you give the sweetest kisses ever, with your wide-open baby bird like mouth

As for sleeping, you still take two naps, at 10 and 2. They are usually about an hour and a half each. At nighttime, you sleep from 7 pm to 7 am. yay! Nursings are at 7 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm. Your morning nursing is the next to go.

You eat all three meals with us now. I give you a sippy cup of milk when you wake up from your afternoon nap, to hold you over til dinner. You mastered the "non-pliable" sippy cup spout on your birthday, which I am so thankful for. Those nuby-like spouts leak everywhere!

Just before your birthday, you started cutting your top, center teeth. Your right one starting coming in first, but it's pair wasn't too far behind. Both of your little tooth buds are precious.

You can stand up in your crib now, which is just delightful. I really love it when you stand up, throw your paci over, and cry. just kidding. Bath time is still your favorite. You've got the mega-splashing down.

You've had 3 haircuts now, all done by me. I just cut the front though, I wouldn't dare touch the back.

I am so thankful for you Carson. Your daddy is thankful for you too. He calls you sunshine, and I like that. You have a slew of other nicknames too....buddy, bro, bro-bro.

We love you Sunshine! a whole. whole. lot. Could you please stay little forever?
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