June 10, 2012

Double Celebration!

Friday night was dress rehearsal.  Saturday night was the recital, and Sunday afternoon was recital...round 2.  So, by Sunday night, we were beat :)  To celebrate Emma's hard work at dance, we took her to dinner and let her pick...Grimaldi's was where her spinner landed.

The kids had a blast coloring...

Playing with pizza dough...

And eating dessert.

Emma picked oreo cheesecake :)  Little did we know that during the Sunday afternoon performance and our dinner at Grimaldi's...we got an offer on our house!

So, we were really celebrating double, but didn't know it yet.

My cell phone was on silent from the recital, and I forgot to turn it back on.  We waited so long (a whole freakin' year) for the offer, and didn't even find out until the next day...ha!

All because of me :)

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