I owe you a 10 month post, but it's been a little hectic around here, so for now, this will have to do. You are the best little thing since sliced bread and we all love you to pieces.

Warning if you are a vegetarian, a member of PETA or anti NRA, you might want to stop reading here.

Dear Emma,
You are so sweet. And, you have been such a big helper to me lately...cleaning up your and Carson's toys, clearing the table after your meals, using your m'ams and sirs, helping me in the kitchen. You are growing up, which just breaks my heart. You won't wear jeans. You. really. really. hate. them. You insist on leggings. And, leggings only. You are convinced that you taught Carson how to crawl, even though he's not crawling yet. And, your latest fascination is our food and where it comes from. Your prayer before dinner the other night was...
Dear God,
Thank you for all of the animals, so that we can kill some of them and eat them.
I almost died. Before you eat chicken, it's ,"Mom, did this used to be real?" "Yes, Emma it was real." I think you're sort of okay with all of this, but you are holding onto the fact that we don't kill ALL of the animals, just SOME of them. Cam killed a deer, just before Christmas. Emma saw the pic, and the rest is history. So, dear Cam, thanks for the life lesson :)

And to the both of you,
The two of you together is priceless. Y'all crack up at each other constantly... It's fun to be your Mommy and I love each of you to the moon and stars and back :)

Now, onto the daily grind...My laundry is finally done. I do believe I will have to come up with some sort of laundry system in the near future. It. Just. Piles. Up. Any suggestions? My dinner is already semi-put together. I am giving the Pioneer Woman's Meatballs a go, so I'll let you know how they stack up. My house is in the best kind of order that it's been in since Christmas, but don't get too excited, we still have a ways to go. Anyway, we're not in shambles, so I thought I would catch up on a few old posts. I still have a few more Christmas posts to do, so I'll be back soon. I hope.
Here's what I've been working on...
And, just because I am type a, the above photos were taken on 12.31.10, not today :)
xxoxxo, j
Carson has the prettiest eyes! And, Emma's letter about meat is AWESOME! So funny!
Thanks so much! I know the meat thing...we go through the discussion at every meal :)
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