September 7, 2010

the big first day

It was Emma's very first day of school. Here she is just before we headed out the door...

And, here's another. She looks so innocent in this photo. She's not. She has broken 3 of my 4 bathroom soap dispensers in the past month, and there was a big water/soap/mom needs to clean the entire bathroom mess. No wonder I feel like I can't get anything done. Although, I do love her with all that I am.

Buddy helped Rob work while I took Emma's photos.

She really, really loves him.

We tried again for a quick family photo. No success with Buddy yet :)

Rob followed us to her school and gave her one big kiss just before the big drop off. She did great and had a wonderful first day.

While she was gone, I worked on this...

It is a block that had to be decorated "all about emma."

Kind of nuts that the one day she heads off to school, I'm at home working on a school project for her....

On the flip side, I do enjoy this sort of stuff, and she gets to keep it as a memory. Remember last year's?

When each student returns to class with their block, they have a class set of blocks to play with for the year. I thought it was pretty clever. On their birthday, they share their block with the class, which is why I had to kick it into high gear. I think Miss Emma has the first birthday in the whole class.

Emma showed her teacher her block, and Miss Emma's only comment about the block was...
"I have a Mommy C." :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will seriously cry when she goes to kindergarten... and i'll worry all day long. : )

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