August 24, 2009

A Peek Inside~14 Weeks

I made it to the second trimester, and had my check-up this morning (14 weeks, 2 days). We did an ultrasound in the hopes of finding out pink or blue (I know it's early, but it was my doctor's idea:) Don't hold your breath, because we had NO luck! The baby was spine up, face down, sort of in a crawling position with it's feet crossed at the knees. For all of you "new" to ultrasounds, the head is on the left, the body on the right. You can see the spinal cord really well in the last photo. This is all quite humorous to me...they say all of your pregnancies and babies are different. So far, I would agree! Emma was never in this position in an ultrasound!


LIH said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures!!! Time is flying by!!!!

Karen said...

I can't wait to find out!! Hopefully the baby will move around enough so you can tell the sex by the next ultrasound!

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