Playing with her friends. Tanner came to visit us this weekend, and Emma just loved it!

My Little Pony. Although, she doesn't have any, it is her first pick to hold while we shop when we go to Target!

Being silly. I think the photo speaks for itself.

Strawberry Shortcake. This one makes me smile. I loved her and Emma does too. I bought this DVD for five buckaroos at Wal Mart-something to do while I was sick on the couch. Now that I have been paying attention, there is Strawberry Shortcake stuff everywhere! Flashback to it!

Riding her bike. I think this one is getting a little small. We may be shopping for a new one sometime soon!

Jumping in puddles. She asks everyday! Don't you wish you were two again with cute rain boots? If only she had an umbrella!

Pj's. She LOVES them! She goes into her room, takes off her clothes and changes into her pj's.

Princesses. Emma just met Cinderella, and she just loves her! We have rented Cinderella twice, and she watches the whole movie...very intently! Afterwards, she sings, "bippity, boppity, boo." Delightful!

Playing outside. And, the dirtier she gets, the better. We are thinking of putting sand in her ladybug box. We did away with the corn. Have I lost it?

Animals! All of them. We bought a zoo membership in March and have definitely gotten our money's worth. I guess we will have to renew this coming March. She loves animals so much that I think she would LOVE a subscription to the ZOO Magazine. I got those as a little girl too!

The beach. We just went and I didn't take any photos. Don't tell anybody. She met some friends there and played with their Ariel Mermaid Barbie and sat in their beach chair. She gets girlier everday!

Play doh. We started making our own, which is so much fun! Even though we don't buy the actual "play-doh," she loves the play doh kits. Her Dora kit was a gift from Caroline and Cristian.

Baking. She will help me make ANYTHING! She helps eat it too!

Feeding the ducks. This was my favorite as a little girl. Maybe we are more alike than I thought! Rob is getting Emma a fishing pole for her birthday....shhhhhh don't tell! Then they can fish and feed the ducks.