We're relocating to the Dallas area, so this past Saturday we made the long drive north and were forced to make lots of decisions...quick. We completed the whole house hunting venture in a mere four or five hours. No pressure :)
This isn't going to be any picnic at the pool, but we're excited about so many things! And sad to leave so many friends behind too.
As I type this, I'm not going to lie...I'm a nervous wreck and we're drowning in the longest to do list ever, but I do feel really good about it all. I'm so thankful for all of my sweet sister and brother-in-law's help and probably need to go ahead and throw out a blanket thank you to my mom and the rest of my family too. We may need you :)
We're already on a "days" countdown...ha! Hello tape, boxes, and sharpie markers! To have waited so long for the sale, the end happened faster than I can process.
I feel like I need to sit on my couch and watch a replay of the last week. I know I was there in body, but as for the rest, I'm not so sure.
For now, it's adios to the blog.
I'm checking out and keeping faith in the Lord's timing :)
Somehow, it just always works out.