Let's start with the obvious...you are so loved by us all! I can't believe you are on the downhill slide to being two. I wish I could just stop the clock. 19 months old and growing everyday. Here you are in a nutshell...
You are cutting your top two canine teeth. You are also cutting a little tooth on the bottom left. That one will complete your bottom, center set of four. After those three come in, you will have fourteen...yikes!
You love to brush your teeth!
And, you got new shoes! They were a size 6.5. I couldn't believe how much you'd grown!
You and your sister love to spin these days....
I'm so afraid you are going to end up in the E.R., but you do have so much fun...

The day before you turned 19 months, you came down with hand, foot, and mouth. I felt so, so sorry for you. We spent the week with your little head on my chest. I did enjoy our snuggling time though :)
The day you came down with the virus was the same day as your 18 month well baby check, so we had to postpone. So a month late for your check-up, you weighed in at 26 lbs., 2 oz. (50%), was 33.25 inches long (75%), and had a head circumference of 48.5 cm (64%). You are one growing boy! I think you actually should have weighed more, but I know you lost a few ounces the week you were so, so sick. You got two shots...the flu and hep a. You were a champ!
We've all four had the flu vaccine now, so I'm going to cross my fingers for a healthy family :)
We've got a peeker on our hands these days too.
You are fascinated with the stairs too. You spend your time at the park going up and down, up and down. But you are always wanting my hand when you are headed down. You are just so, so sweet!

The pediatrician asked how many words you had. So, your daddy and I counted the other night. When we got to over 50, we stopped. I guess you are ahead of the curve in the language department :)
You love to pray at all of our meals. If we forget, you always remind us. "Pray, pray, pray..." with your little hands folded together. You always say, "Amen" too.
You are such a blessing, you are so much fun, and we just love you!