You are nine months old today. If I thought about it too long, I would cry a river, so I won't go there today. Let's keep this positive :)
You love:
...being held
...looking at your big sister
...being worn by your momma~in any type of sling or baby carrier
...taking a bath~with your big sister
...kisses on the neck
...being tickled~you are SO ticklish
...being swaddled
...your paci
...your toy piano & your toy pots n pans
...rocking with your momma
...eating in your highchair "clack" your paci, by waving it in the air
You are full of smiles and always cracking up, especially at your sister. You aren't quite as quiet as you used to be. I suppose that you have been influenced. See below...
Your sister was described as confident, independent, observant, and fun to be around by her teachers. It was so funny to me how well they "pinged" her. I wonder what you will be like when you're four.

You nurse at 7 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 4:30 pm, and 8 pm. When the time changed, you starting getting up at 5 am. omg. I was still feeding you the "dream feed" around 10 pm, but I thought, "if I cut that feed out, how much earlier could you possibly get up?" I was right. You slept this morning until 6:30 am, without the dream feed. Hooray! I added the 1:30 pm feed to help compensate for the eliminated dream feed. This also helps you take a later and longer afternoon nap, which makes everyone happier during the witching hour, when daddy comes home :)
My body never got used to that dream feed. After nine months of staying up until 10 pm to feed you and nine months of your daddy coming into your nursery (almost every night) to wake me (we would be passed out in the chair together), I am sort of glad it's over. I will miss it too, because holding you while you sleep and smelling your sweet baby smell, just before turning out the lights was always a treat.
Your naps are from 9 or 9:30 to 11 or 11:30 in the morning. And, from around 1:30 or 2 to 4 in the afternoon.
You poop more than anyone I know. 3 or 4 times a day.
You have the longest eyelashes and prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen.
You are the perfect size to snuggle and hold :)
Although, you are beginning to wiggle more...rolling and scooting around on the floor.
You can sit up for a long time now too.
You are in 9-12 months stuff. You got new pj's yesterday. They have firetrucks on them, and I love that.
I have a new love for cars and trains and all toys little boy. Don't get me wrong, I love that Emma plays with my
Barbies and
Babydolls, but all those cute little cars are a first for me. I'll admit that I'm a little obsessed. Maybe it's because I've
never lived in a house with
any little boy toys. If only I had some of your Daddy's toys for you to play with. There's something really special about your children playing with your childhood toys. Don't you think?
Let's not leave your daddy out either. He can't wait for the remote control everything.... And, you should have seen the required specs on your first dump truck. It had to have knobby tires and all, along with about 84 other specs.
Your hair has grown longer and doesn't stick up quite as much. Your daddy likes this. He thinks you look more like a little boy. I don't like that "little boy" part so much. Could you please stay small forever?
You weigh 19 pounds 5 ounces. 35th percentile. You are inches 28.5 inches long. 50-75th percentile.
At your 9 month check up, you got ZERO shots. I was so happy, and I am sure that you were too.
You rarely cry. And are almost always HAPPY. I must have had a sixth sense about your disposition. I bought you this outfit when you were still in the womb.
Speaking of the womb, you sleep in a "woombie" now. If you are curious, you should google it. I felt like you were getting a little big for the swaddle, but oh how you would cry without it. Your woombie is like a sleep sack, without the arm holes, so you can move about within the sack. I thought it might help you with the transition from swaddle to sleeping solo. So far, it's working :)
So now, instead of sleeping on your back, you sleep on your side, with your head tilted back...just like me :)
You make the perfect baby brother. If only we could get sister to stop taking your toys. You do cry when she does that. But, she loves you oh so much.
And, I am pretty sure that you feel the same way.

Love you Buddy.
Don't grow up too fast, okay?