February 11, 2013

our little boy boy is turning 3...

and if you must know, i am so sad.  you've been so much fun and such a blessing to us all...

it seems like just yesterday i was giving birth to my 7 pounds and 14 ounces baby boy.

the day you were born was full of so many emotions.

when it was all over, we brought home a perfectly healthy bundle of joy and felt so blessed.

i managed to snap these photos in the midst of morning sickness and all.  it was an impromptu shoot, but i'm so glad i managed to capture you just before turning three.

sister was along for the ride too.  you two have an incredible amount of love for each other.

right now, you love train tracks and chop-choo trains, so that's exactly where we went...

you also loves whipped cream, raspberries, apples, cashews, and sprite...in no particular order.

and you are just so sweet.

you also loves the park, playing outside, pushing your dump truck, and playing chop-choo trains.

choo-choo race with your daddy is one of your favorite games. ever.

the wizard of oz is at the top of your list too.  it's all because of that wicked witch.  you're slightly obsessed with the "witch" of any story.  you love peter rabbit and jake and the neverland pirates too.  i think it's just because of mr. todd...the sly fox & the mean captain hook.

you still love the color blue and your favorite books are spot and brown bear.  i love to read to you at night and you are still the  best little snuggle.  you sleep with baxter, spot, and pluto, and you always love on me after i rub on your back, legs, and sweet little face.

you potty trained with little to no effort at all.  so now it's just diapers for naps and bedtime.  you sleep like a dream...going to bed around 7:30 or 8, sleeping until 7 am, and you still take an awesome afternoon nap for several hours.  shortly after your third birthday, we tossed out your paci's or ba's.  it was no. big. deal. at. all.  we did the sticker chart method, you picked a blue snow cone for your reward and that was it.

your sweet sister takes the best care of you.  y'all are always thinking of each other, even when you are apart.

you've been such a wonderful addition to our family!  we love you little dude and are so lucky to be your parents!  here's a look back at turning one and two.  where does the time go?

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