we started our morning off at the park...
and i will say that bro's skills have greatly improved...
well, most of the time :)
it was a beautiful day, so we spent it outside.
i was reminded of how grateful i am for the two that made me a momma...
words could never describe the love that i have for them...
or, for the third one in my belly :) 24 weeks and growing :)
i am so very thankful to share my parenting duties with the love of my life. it's so crazy to think how fast the time has passed.
these two play together beautifully. i am wondering what happens when we add a third to the mix??
i guess time will tell.
that afternoon, rob grilled steaks, and we enjoyed a family night at home. from all of us, happy mother's day to all of the moms out there...especially Mama C. and both of our Nanas :)
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