and then, with rain in the forecast, decided to drive around a bit and check out the area for future trips. we ended up here...
and if we'd only known that paradise was on the other side, we would've started our vacation in this very spot.
it was beautiful....
the dunes were under preservation and rightfully so...
the waves that day were quite large...
so, we instituted the "toes in the water" policy for the day :)
the beach was untouched and just beautiful...
we were all completely clothed, but still managed to enjoy the beach.
at least most of the time...
i finally decided that we needed to head back to the condo, put on our bathing suits and spend the most time here possible, so that's exactly what we did...
we were so excited to be able to spend the day here.
bro was supposed to be in this photo, but i guess i was never quite convincing enough :) oh well.
they loved it.
and we made one more "mermaid emma" since it was our very last day :(
at sunset, the kids grabbed their buckets and we went for a walk on the beach...
they collected tons of treasures along the way.
this was my attempt at our family photo...cue the lol.
once he finally cooperated, the sun had gone down and i forgot to change the settings on my camera. the end result was a super dark photo, that i had a good friend do her best at correcting :)
for dinner our last night, it was the red bar...
thanks to our sweet neighbors for the recommendation.
best. food. ever.
after dinner, we headed back to Seaside for our movie under the stars. amazing.
this was my view for most of the night...bro used my round belly as a pillow :)
we were so sad to end our vacation. it was wonderful in every way and we know exactly which beach we are heading back to on our next go round :)
sweet dreams to my sweet angels...
it was a fun week at the beach with you both...memories for a lifetime :)
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