My favorite little guy turned two! And, I just can't believe my eyes. His real birthday fell on a Saturday morning, which was just perfect, because we could all spend the day together.
We started the morning off with a trip to the donut shop in the pouring down rain :) We brought bro home his blueberry donut and the festivities began... He moves his little hands around when we sing...swoon.

We went pretty low key for his birthday this year and opted to not have the big party. We did that last year and alternating the big and small parties seems pretty fitting to me. So, it was just the four of us. There are some really weird shadows happening in the photo. It looks like I have an iron burn across my face...I don't!

After breakfast, we hung out at home, read some books, watched some barney & the wiggles, and headed to chick-fil-a for lunch. The kids had their usual, followed by playtime & ice cream. Nap time was next on the list for the birthday boy. So, while he was sleeping, Chef Emma helped me whip up a giant cookie from scratch and homemade vanilla ice cream.

I'll be back soon with part two!
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