if you don't know by now, i call emma, "peaches." and i call carson, "cream."
we talked about what we would call the baby....
and came up with, "sprinkles." so here i am with my sweet trio...peaches, cream, and sprinkles :)
miss emma had labor day off, and i was so glad...
most of our days looked just like this...
happy, but exhausted :)
here's landon's first bath...
thank heaven for my mom. she's a lifesaver.
pretty. i call him that too :)
it was rob's first week back at work since landon was born, but he still managed to fit in his snuggle time...
and it was bro's first day of school...
i could eat him. backpack and all.
rob drove the three of us for his very first day. mama c. stayed home with little landon.
and then there was landon's first family bath...
geez. i think we could use a few more participants.
it's not everyday that you get a bath from your fairy princess brother...
and it's certainly not everyday when you have eight hands attempting to get you clean. as if he was dirty to begin with :)
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