the days that we spend with you go by entirely too fast.
you've got a big sister who loves you to pieces...
and is always willing to help out.
and you've got a big brother who can't wait to play dump trucks with you. he's already decided which one you can have, and it just so happens to be the yellow one. you should probably try to remember that.
you were our grand finale baby, which is so bittersweet. you made our family complete, and our house is full of love for you...
your birth announcements have been mailed...
and although we both had a bit of a rough entry, it's been wonderful getting to know you. you are so sweet. you sleep pretty well. and for the most part, i think we've all adjusted.
you are the biggest baby that i've ever had, so i guess my milk is doing its job. i think you are averaging about one five hour stretch every night. so, if i nurse you at 9, you are up again around 2, and then again at 5. you aren't the best nurser. i have to work really hard to keep you eating, but you are definitely getting in the calories.
your reflux is pretty much under control. you like to be held upright, and both your crib and changing table are elevated. you sleep in your crib...swaddled, of course. our house sleeps better and safer when you are in your room.
you don't cry a lot. but, you are the loudest breather that i have ever met :) you breathe a little quicker when you want a feeding.
on your one month birthday, you smiled at me. and the day before that, you smiled and laughed at your big sister. it made her day.
you've had a couple of bottles. you don't seem to mind them. it would help if your momma had some milk in the freezer, but she hasn't had time to pump.
you enjoy your baths now.
and you've gotten a lot chunkier...
we've moved on to size 1 diapers. and i think that size 2's are in our near future.
your 0-3 clothes are getting quite snug...sniff, sniff.
and you're already wearing some 3-6.
we think you are going to be a big boy.
i've got three babies now. some days, i still don't believe it.
all three of you are a blessing to our family...
and i love being your momma...
welcome to our family little buddy. you are in for a fun ride...
here's your official one month photo...a bit late. can't take them without a camera :) here you are, our bucket of love, still one month old, but officially, you're 7 weeks :)
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