August 16, 2011

happy wedding day

it was our eighth wedding anniverary, and we had plans to be in costa rica. well, life got in the way. my hubby took a new job. he had a month solid of training in san antonio, and of course, that month overlapped our little trip, so the thing that i was most excited about in a really. really. long. time. was canceled. if i'm honest, i'll tell you that i cried.

but there was nothing that could be done. so, i got over it...and was grateful for the new job, for the health of our two little monkeys, and for food on the table. although, i found it a little ironic that instead of being together in costa rica on our anniversary, we were going to be apart. things change so quickly.

that was until my mom offered to come keep my littles. she even brought my little sister along. so that's what happened, and we ended up here for our anniversary dinner...

i would highly recommend. it is on the river walk, but in a bit quieter section, is quaint, non-chain, historical, and full of character. their patio is beautiful, and if it wouldn't have been a temp. of 115, we might have braved it.

i was so thankful to be with my sweet hubby that night. it's been a wonderful eight years of marriage, and i love him to pieces.

we shared a bottle of wine, from a vineyard that we toured in napa.

and we shared a yummy dessert too. i enjoyed the uninterrupted conversation the most. i even had a couple of days to myself to shop. in peace. my brain actually worked on complete thoughts for a few days. it was amazing! i met him for lunch twice, and we even made it to a movie. so, a big thank you to mama c. and aunt ash for keeping miss e and mister c. i know they enjoyed your visit.

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