August 12, 2013

::Growing Baby #3:: Chapter 6

i made it to 37 weeks, which is considered full-term, so i guess this little monkey could come any day now!  although, i've never gone into labor before, so i'm not banking on it.  i'm hanging in there.

this pregnancy has been the. hardest. for. sure.  oh my goodness.  this week i've been dealing with sciatic nerve pain, nose bleeds almost every morning, heartburn, indigestion, third trimester nausea (that was a new one for me.  and after already having it for 20 weeks, i was not at all impressed when it came knocking on my door...again) and a whole host of other issues.  all of my issues are within the normal range, but still...geez!  i'm super uncomfortable and for whatever reason, when this baby kicks, it hurts, and i mean really hurts.  i had a bladder infection a few weeks ago, but for the last couple of weeks, i've just been trying to keep up with my two kiddos in this heat.  some days are more challenging than others.

i start my weekly obgyn appointments this week, so i'll have weekly updates from my doctor.  the nursery is done.  i hope to  post pics soon.  we installed the car seat this weekend, and no, i don't have a belly pic to share.  i promise i'll get a 38 and 39...i'm giant :)

xxoxo, jenn

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