rob took this one of me on emma's first day of school...39 weeks and 1 day.
and then i took this one. i feel giant :) monday's appointment went good. my blood pressure was high. 160/90 the first time and 140/88 the second. we had sort of penciled in an induction for tonight, but after my appointment on monday, my doctor let me know that with my elevated blood pressure, i would have been induced regardless. so, i guess that means that we made a good decision. she even offered the induce me sooner, but i didn't bite :) i'm still just 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced...i was hoping for more, but you get what you get.
so, here we are. we go in tonight at 7 pm for "cervical ripening" and then of course pitocin. my doctor won't tell me when the pitocin will start...she said that often times the cervical ripening causes contractions on its own, so we will just wait and see. i won't get the pitocin until i need it :)
so, we are hoping for a baby sometime tomorrow, but i. have. no. clue. when. prayers please for an easy and safe labor and delivery and most importantly, a healthy baby :) last time, i forgot to pray for pain management, so add that to your list too. my epidural never took with carson...yikes! i'm feeling the exact same way that i felt here. nervous. anxious. scared. excited. and all things in between. i think my anxiety has increased with each baby, so i'm ready for this all to be over with. we appreciate all of your prayers and support and i'm hoping that the next photo on here is one of a sweet new baby-boy or girl..we will be thrilled!
my iron on transfers arrived on monday...just in the knick of time....
so i made it. i wonder which onesie we will get to use?
and then my two nuggets just had to try them on. they are so excited! and are both 100% convinced it's a boy. time will tell. time will tell. stay tuned :) i hope to be back very soon.
1 comment:
Hi, Jenn,
I am praying for a safe, fast and easy delivery for you and ?. Your growing family is just beautiful. May God bless and protect you always!
Judy Williams
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