we usually break at the park :)
one afternoon was a play date with friends...complete with homemade peach ice cream and cookies...so fun!
we have tinker bell and peter pan roaming the house quite often...
and sometimes, we bake cookies :)
we took some to our sweet neighbors...
trains are still at the top of bro's faves...
and a morning of gymnastics is fun for all three of us.
they run their energy off and i get air conditioning...priceless :)
here we are on our way to the mall...
and here's my sweet memms who lost her front tooth this week. she's growing up too fast.
i couldn't stop taking pics of bro. they are so sweet when they sleep...
we took the kids to build a bear. bro picked a bunny...
and emma picked a pony...
and then, they picked one for the baby :)
each animal got a heart, a name, a bath, and a birth certificate.
we took emma here, just before carson was born and did the same thing. they've both enjoyed building sweet animals for our babies on the way :)
safety town was on our summer list...
we had a fun morning learning about fire safety and playing dress-up...
so funny!
i think their favorite was driving the big truck...
carson loved that...
and the lights!
safety town marked 36 weeks and 1 day for me, so we are getting closer! i'll update on our sweet baby number 3 soon! hugs to you all!!
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