i had my 38 week appointment on monday, which made me 38 weeks and 1 day along. so, let me see if i can recap it for you....
*let's start with a pic of my giant baby belly...
*they thought i had preeclampsia due to a few high blood pressure readings the week before, but after turning in my labs at the end of last week, i tested negative. you have no idea how relieved i was :)
*mild preeclampsia=bed rest and severe preeclampsia=deliver the baby, neither of which i was ready for or wanting to do, so both rob and i were thrilled with the good news!
*i had a 38 week ultrasound to check on the baby's size. at 20 weeks, this sweet baby measured over the 95th percentile, which was a little scary. okay if i'm really truthful, it. totally. freaked. me out. but, after today's measurements, we are in the 85th percentile, which basically took me out of the "ginormous sauros" category. for any of you who don't have c-sections, you realize that this is very. good. news. ouch!
*here's an ultrasound photo from monday. it's a profile view our sweet baby, showing super full lips :)....
*at this point, the ultrasounds always measure on the high side, not the low, so we are no longer expecting a giant baby....thank goodness! i do think he or she will be a bit bigger than the other two, but i also think that this is just a really long baby. thank you, genetics :) time will tell.
*the ultrasound also revealed that the baby is head down, just like it's supposed to be :)
*my belly looks super squared off in this one...weird! i think it's the baby's back :)
*they got one blood pressure read of 130/90, which is a little high, but after lying down and taking a few deep breaths, they got a normal read too. hello type a personality.
*at my appointment, i was 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced...i'm hopeful that this will change, but i'm not holding my breath :)
*emma and carson are super excited about "baby bom bom!" carson gave the baby that name and i. have. no. idea. why. we've been counting down the days!!!
my sweet mom stayed an extra day... until our appointment monday morning to see if i would be on bed rest. she was in town earlier in the week to help my sister with her classroom and then to celebrate emma's birthday party. even though i ended up not needing her to stay, i was very grateful that she stayed until my doctor's appointment. how on earth people go on bed rest with two kids at home is beyond me.
rob and i both appreciate all of you that have called or texted either one of us through all of this. we have so many neighbors, friends, and family that couldn't have been sweeter :)
Good morning sweetie! We always love looking at your blogs and the awesome pictures that you share. We are so excited to be able to share this experience with you guys and will be there Thursday with our "guess" colors on. :o)
As always, our love and prayers are with you guys. Please don't hesitate to call us if there is anything at all that we can do to help you. We are anxiously awaiting visit time with our newest, precious grandbaby, after you have had a chance to catch your breath.
thanks for the sweet note! i'm ready to meet this little bundle :) i'm a bundle of nerves myself!
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