here's a look back at the past month...

- you cut your first tooth on december 5th. it is your bottom, center, left tooth. and, i would be lying if i didn't tell you that it was one of the most miserable days so far. you. cried. all. day. long. and i felt like i had a brand new baby with colic. i felt so sorry for you too.
- just before your 10 month birthday, you really started scooting around.
- you were rolling a lot too.
- as for the are nursing at 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, and just before bed.
- you are taking two naps a day around 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. the morning nap is at least an hour long and the afternoon nap is usually around two hours.
here's a photo of you on the eve of your ten month milestone. it was also your very first visit with santa...
and here's a photo of you on 12.18.10, your 10 month birthday. you eat three meals a day now, so catching you in the highchair is no surprise.
- you are still wearing your 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
- you sleep in a regular sleep sack now. arms out and all. we've come a long way. a. really. long. way.
- i never have to go into your room in the middle of the night now. if you wake up, you just find your paci and go back to sleep.
- bath time is still your very favorite.
- you say "da-da-da" lots & it makes your daddy so proud!
- bedtime is around 7:30 and your day usually starts between 6 and 7 am
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